Helllllo family and friends,
There is a lot to report on! Wow, its sooo amazing to be a full time missionary, and in full time service to our Lord Jesucristo.
week has been filled with some amazing experiences. Firstly, one of my
favorite investigators of my mission, Antonio Richard, even though he
knows the gospel is true and is reading the Book of Mormon, hasn't yet
expected a baptismal date, because he wants to know EVERYTHING about
the gospel first. However, we had an amazing lesson with him on Friday about fasting, and invited him to fast with us on Saturday so that he can recive revelation for a date. It was an AMAZING lesson, but wow, on Sunday
it was a true miracle. During the our Fast and Testimony meeting, I
felt very strongly to bear my testimony about the atonement of Christ,
and as it says in Moroni 7 that we must have hope in the atonement.
After the meeting, he turned to me and said that he felt something really
special as everyone bore their testimonies and that he felt a very
strong desire to share his own with the congregacion..WOW. it was an
amazing answer to our prayers and fast. We will have a lesson with him tonight and we are going to set a date with him!
Melvin, who was baptized a week ago bore a 5 minute testimony about the
power of baptism and the priesthood...even though he hasn't yet received it! It was truly powerful to hear this man's strong testimony.
My companion and I had an amazing experience on Friday.
We were walking to an appointment and we passed a woman sweeping her
porch. After our appointment, my companion felt compelled to go back and
contact her. We went back and she invited us inside, and as soon as we
entered the spirit hit us VERY strongly. My companion said that the
house felt very familiar as if he had been their before. We spoke
briefly about the the restoration and bore testimony strongly of the
blessing of the gospel in our lives and for the family's. The woman, se
llama thomasany, said that she felt something warm and comforting. Wow,
moments like these make the mission all worth it. I love my companion
and this area!
This morning, after I finished
cleaning the house i was reading in the Book of Mormon....in the book of Mormon haha. Chapter 9 verse 31 hit me very profoundly. it reads, 31 Condemn me not because of mine imperfection,
neither my father, because of his imperfection, neither them who have
written before him; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made
manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise
than we have been.
struck me as I read this scripture that Mormon, a prophet is declaring
that we must not condem him for his imperfections, nor any of the
prophets for that matter. But however, we must learn from theirs, and
our mistakes and give thanks to the Lord that we can be more wise and
learn. As a missionary, I am not perfect, nor will I ever be, but I know
that I have hope and faith in the atonement of Christ. I hope that we
can all learn to be more humble and wise and see everyone for who they
really are, children of God. I love this book, and this gospel. I know
that we are not perfect people, but, the gospel of Jesucristo of the Latter Day Saints is perfect, because it was restored by a prophet of
god. I know that the plan of salvation is a perfect plan, and that we
have the hope to one day live with our Father in Heaven.
Love you all,
Elder Blake
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