Elder Brigham Blake

Email: Brigham.Blake@myldsmail.net

Monday, June 20, 2016

Great Week

Well the clock is ticking but let me jot down a few of the best moments of this week. This week was seriously a dream week. We had two baptisms, and Stevenson is pumped for this Saturday! We are going to try to go to the beach in Manzanillo for his baptism.

1. Rita and Saul's confirmation. Their baptism couldn't have gone any smoother. But then she made me nervous because she said she wasn't going to be able to go to church on Sunday. One of her family members is on their death bed and is likely going to die within this next week. She said she had to go take them something. >Those of our faith know that a baptism isn't complete until the person receives the Holy Ghost the next day in sacrament meeting. Anyways we told her it wasn't necessary for her to go to church if she had a family emergency but we strongly advised her to find a way to get to church. Long story short Rita shows up RIGHT at 9, she had left for Montecristi at 5 am to visit this family member so that she could get back in time to come to all 3 hours of church. We prayed and prayed and the Lord really touched her heart!!

2. Interview with Presdente Castillo. Wow this was one of the greatest moments in my mission. Friday morning we went down to Montecristi for interviews and President told me something I was NOT expecting. He sat me down and said, Elder Blake before we empezamos, You have been called to Dajabon by the Lord to baptize, the Lord wants your district to flourish these next two months. I have been impressed to lower you as a zone leader so you can complete with what the Lord requires of you in Dajabon. I was shocked and frankly told him, Presidente look, I haven't baptized since November. How could the Lord require this of me?? And he promised me some very incredible things. In pocas palabras, I think the Lord is really really pouring down his blessings upon us. We as a companionship will finish this month with 3, and looking to have 2 next month. 

3. Sacrament meeting yesterday. We had some great investigators in church. 2 references and a super super prepared Haitian guy named Owensby. No joke, I sat down next to him as the meeting started. I started to get to know him and he tells me: "Look I took the lessons in Haiti a few months ago and I know the Book of Mormon is true. I NEED to be baptized. I put the date for him right then and there for the 23 of July. Sadly we went to try and find his house yesterday but directions here don't make sense and he doesn't have a cell phone. We will just have to meet up with him at church next week.

Well I am really short on time but I want you all to know that I know the Lord is blessing me for the hard work I have but in these past 6 months. I love this work and it kills me to know that I'll have to leave these people in a few short weeks. Two nights ago I had a dream that I was walking on a train platform just telling everyone how happy I was for living the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know this gospel is true and that it brings us joy. I love my family and know that I can be with them forever. If you have never read the Book of Mormon read it>!!1

Have a great week!!
Elder Brigham Blake
Rita y Saul se bautizaron!! It was a DOPE service!!
Distrito Dajabon!!

I made food for nuestra casa. I am called el abuelo because I'm soo old! And the only one who knows how to cook haha.

DR Pimp my ride!! I wish I would take more pictures here becuase I see werid funny things like this ALL THE time. How often do you see a 30 year old truck without doors or a windsheild that still works?!?!?! DR!!!