I honestly cant believe that tomorrow is the 24th of December.
I think that the difference of culture and climate has really
distracted me from the Christmas spirit. Not to be pessimistic, but
there is no Christmas spirit in the DR, only a very drunk spirit. This
week has basically turned into a beer festival. Thankfully we find refuge
in the houses of our awesome investigatores. But we still get harassed
while walking. I can't really describe Moca, but if I could I would say
it's nothing short of pure rowdy iniquity! Hahah this is really the best
country in the world.
This week was good. It wasn't as we had hoped and it ended roughly but I think things are going to keep improving. Basically on Sunday
ALL our lessons fell through and we tried to contact but no one let us
in. At about 7 I told Elder Corder that this has happened in everyone of
my areas, and that something always good has come out of it. Right after
I said that, a man called us over and started asking about the church,
we sent an appointment for last night and it turned out to be a really
spiritual lesson, not with him, but his 24 year old step daughter who I
had met my first week here en Moca. She invited herself to church and I
think that the whole family are great potential investigatores.
I think that the highlight of our week was visiting and confirming Berlins baptismal date for Saturday.
He wasn't able to come to church for family reasons and when we told him
that we would most likely have to change the date he freaked out! He
wanted to call the Bishop, Zone Leaders and Mission President. Haha it
was kind of funny but after some stern talking to, and calling the zone
leaders he got the green light. We are all super excited.
terms of spirituality life is crusin! I remember Isaac writing a few
months back talking about how personal revelcaion isn't a linear progression, but rather a sporadic progression. Through daily repentance
and diligence in these past few months I have come to really know that
God loves me and that this is His true church. This morning I was
reading the story of Ammon and King Lamoni. I read this scripture and
it really penetrated me,
32 And Ammon said: Yea, and he looketh down upon all the children of men; and he knows all the thoughts and intents of the heart; for by his hand were t hey all created from the beginn ing.
34 Ammon said unto him: I am a man; and man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and I am called by his H oly Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true;
35 And a portion of that Spir it dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge, and also power according to my faith and desir es which are in God.
hit me this morning as I applied this missionary moment to the my life.
I questioned myself, by receiving the gospel who actually received more
joy, Ammon or King Lamoni? As a missionary, and having helped a few
people accepted the gospel, I would say that Lamoni had greater joy. It is a glorious pleasure to help other people receive the
blessings of this great evangelio. I know that God really only requires
our atencion and diligencia (Alma 12 vs 9) I couldn't think of anything I
would rather be doing with my time right now in this moment of my life.
I know that this gospel was made for us by our loving Heavenly Father. I
know that he knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts.
por las oraciones suyas, y el amor que tienen para mi y la obra
misional. Espero que cada persona que lee esta carta pueda tener una
feliz navidad. Paz y bendicones a todos!
Elder Blake
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